Here's the other scenario that I ran at Con of the North.
Star Wars: Age of
Rebellion: Turbulence
The planet Dac is
a major bastion of support for the Rebel Alliance, home to the
dedicated Mon Calamari and their shipyards. Recently a team of
Irregulars operating out of Tierfon Base acquired a supply of
starship-grade ore from the planet Flax; now they are delivering to
the allies who will build from it vessels with which to continue the
battle against the Evil Galactic Empire. Even on this friendly world,
however, they are walking into the middle of unexpected dangers.
Unbeknownst to
the Mon Calamari, a Quarren crime boss by the name of Toruck Chel is
running a series of illicit skiff races on Dac's watery surface.
Participating in them is a risky but potentially lucrative
proposition, and one that has drawn numerous competitors. Some are
desperate, some are fearless or foolish, and some are ruthlessly
determined to win by any means necessary.
Adventure Summary
This adventure
begins with the PCs finishing a delivery of crucial supplies to a Mon
Calamari contact on the surface of the planet, when they overhear a
distress signal from one of the racing skiffs. Should they
investigate, they find a vehicle that is malfunctioning, leaving its
occupants exposed to the attack of a deadly keelkana. As long as they
can make the rescue, the PCs can meet Gaea Rus and learn of the
illicit skiff races. Provided they are interested in becoming
involved, they can be introduced to Toruck Chel and interact with him
and the other competitors. In the end they can compete in the race...
Planning and Preparations
Unlike other
missions, this scenario finds the PCs caught up in the midst of
unofficial business. Although it could ultimately prove useful to the
Alliance, it also tests their willingness to operate outside of
normal parameters.
Involving the Player Characters
This scenario
should begin in media res, as
they finish dropping off the supplies for their Mon Calamari contact,
Lieutenant Aneru. From that point onward, the situation develops as
it may.
Objectives and PC Duty
Detailed below are some of the ways in which this assignment can tie
into different characters' objectives.
Combat Victory—While this scenario might not seem to present much
opportunity for pursuing this duty, interactions with the keelkana
and the saboteurs do so.
Counter-Intelligence—This character faces the task of making sure
that PCs are not revealed to be agents of the Rebel Alliance,
something that could become more challenging, depending on how the
situations develop.
Intelligence—The interactions with Lieutenant Debah provide a
chance to gain information that could become important in the
Internal Security—This character might see Gaea Rus, a potential
ally, as a possible threat; this can make for some interesting
interactions with her, and with those PCs who seek to recruit her.
Personnel—On the other hand, this character probably sees Rus as a
good opportunity to recruit a wealthy and daring potential
operative, and is right in doing so.
Political Support—For this character, the publicity that can be
gained by participating in the race is a good thing, and so
providing dramatic competition and playing to the fans is a
desirable objective.
Recruiting—Much like with the Personnel duty, for this PC securing
the support of Gaea Rus is also a positive outcome.
Resource Acquisition—Acquiring and delivering the foodstuffs
should be this character's primary goal, but there could be other
opportunities for acquisition along the way.
Sabotage—The encounter with Drunn Debah is a good chance to do
some harm to the Empire.
Space Superiority—The race itself presents a challenge for this
hero, as do any potential Imperial Entanglements as the PCs make
their exit from Dac.
Support—This character can, as usual, help fellow operatives in
attaining any of the aforementioned duty objectives.
Tech Procurement—The waveskimmer skiffs could be an interesting
asset for this character, along with any chance to develop equipment
for use on aquatic worlds.

Episode 1: The Rescue
Begin this scene
by setting the stage. The PCs' ship is parked on a docking platform
on a small rocky island, one used by the Mon Calamari for
transferring goods from starships to submarine vehicles. Lieutenant
Aneru is looking over the supplies, making a list on his datapad. At
the same time, the PCs can load aboard sealed containers of
flash-frozen seafood for the return trip.
Aneru—Use the stats for a Mon Calamari Shipwright from page 35
of Strongholds
of Resistance.
As the waves lap
against the footings of the platform and the sun is beginning to set
on the far horizon, have the PCs make average Perception checks;
success allows them to hear the crackle of a faint transmission from
their ship's comm system.
“...anyone there? I've suffered a malfunction and my skiff is
you can hear me, I need help. Please, if anyone is out there...”
Hopefully this is
enough to pique the PCs' curiosity. The voice, it should be
mentioned, is that of a Human female, one who sounds fairly refined
in her upbringing.
At this point, an
average Computers check using the ship's sensor suite can locate the
source of the transmission. It's not far away by freighter. As long
as the PCs are willing to have a look, it becomes important to know
where each is stationed aboard the ship, since this influences how
they can react when they arrive on the scene.
Keelkana Attack
The source of the
transmission is an Ubrikkian Bantha II cargo skiff, one that is
clearly having problems. The vehicle is partially emerged in the
turbulent ocean, with waves continually cresting over it. At the
control console, a Human female struggles to keep it operating, while
also fighting the waves to keep an unconscious Human male aboard.
What is more, their predicament has attracted the attention of a
keelkana that prowls in these waters.
Have the PC in
the best position to do so make a Perception check opposed to the
keelkana's Stealth effort. Success for the hero means that none of
the PCs are surprised by the attack, while failure means that the
keelkana gains a free attack (with a boost die added) before
initiative begins. Once the battle is underway, the PCs should suffer
setback dice to ranged attacks against the creature because of the
protection afforded by the water. For its part, the keelkana targets
the Human male first, and then targets of opportunity after that.
the stats from page 34 of Strongholds of Resistance.
The PCs don't
need to kill the beast in order to complete their rescue. If they can
reduce it to half of its would threshold, or inflict multiple
critical injuries upon it, the keelkana decides to seek easier prey
elsewhere and swims away. Options here include rigging a cable to the
skiff and towing out of harm's way (a hard Survival check), lifting
the victims to safety aboard the freighter (average Athletics checks
for each) or other strategies (GM's determination).
Gaea Rus—Use
the stats for a Wealthy Noble from page 430 of the core rulebook.
Gaea Rus's Story
As long as they
can rescue her, Gaea can explain her situation to the PCs. She might
be willing to share more information if a character makes a suitable
Charm check opposed by her Discipline. Through conversation or
recitation, she relates the following details.
She is the
daughter of an influential family in the Tion Hegemony.
She and her
brother, Derc, are preparing for a local skiff-racing competition.
competition is not entirely legal, promoted by a Quarren crime boss
named Toruck Chel.
It consists
of a race through a series of rocky islands using skiffs with
repulsorlifts modified to decrease their flight ceilings, making for
difficult flight. The prize is 10,000 credits.
She and her
brother hope to win the prize of ten thousand credits.
The two are
bored of their ordinary lives and are seeking a little excitement.
An average Outer
Rim knowledge check reveals that Gaea and Derc's family is connected
to the noble Tion family and its holdings; they are wealthy and
influential beings.
At this point, of
course, Derc is incapacitated (or possibly dead) and Gaea's skiff is
badly damaged (or even lost at sea). If she is going to compete in
the race, she needs help, and asks for it from the PCs. What is more,
because she cares little for money, she offers them the full prize if
they will assist her.
Note: The PCs'
interaction with Gaea Rus—and with the other NPCs in this
scenario—can make for some good roleplaying as they try to explain
their business on Dac without giving away their Rebel affiliations.
On the other hand, considering the fact that Gaea is a wealthy and
influential young woman who lacks a sense of purpose in life, perhaps
the PCs might want to try recruiting her.
Episode 2: Meeting the
If they're willing
to work with her, Gaea can lead the PCs to the islands where the
competition is being held. One in particular boasts sandy beaches and
private cabins, along with a restaurant and bar. This is where Toruck
Chel has set up his base of operations, and where the competitors are
being lodged.
The restaurant is
run by a friendly and outgoing Nautolan named Nadira. It has a broad
common room filled with tables and chairs for patrons, along with two
smaller rooms for private seating. The kitchen and pantry are in the
back, along with the rear exit. There are refreshers in the front
corner. Nadira welcomes newcomers and enquires about the purpose of
their visit as she takes orders for food and drinks. She can provide
most of the popular potent potables from around the galaxy, but the
cuisine runs heavily toward seafood. It is still delicious, though.
Once they're
settle, the PCs can also meet the organizer, and then interact with
some of the competition. Toruck Chel, surrounded by his Quarren
bodyguards, greets them. Assuming that he hears of Gaea's accident,
he expresses his relief that she is okay and then discusses any
changes to her racing situation that are necessary. He can also
assign the PCs to their own private cabin, one of the many located
along the beach.
The other
competitors also happen to be gathered at Nadira's. They are a mixed
bunch, including the following characters.
One is a
local Mon Calamari named Mujnah. She is well regarded by others, a
skilled pilot and a fair competitor.
Another is a
Xexto hotshot, Togala Genu, one who is full of confidence and has
the aptitude to back it up. While he can talk trash, he is not known
to cheat.
The third is
a Corellian. Golthani Ru, who makes her living by piloting for an
Ugor reclamation vessel; not too much is known about her.
There is also
a Shistavanen named Sen Wral. His reputation is not good, as it's
believed that he'll resort to any means necessary in order to win a
Note that stats
for these characters are provided in an appendix that can be printed
and shared with other players during the race, allowing non-pilot
types to participate in the dice rolling (see below for more
During these
interactions, Lieutenant Debah inevitably makes his way over to where
the PCs are seated. While not suspecting them of Rebel activity, he
is always on the lookout for that kind of thing. As such, his
seemingly innocent questions require the PCs to be careful. This
requires either some clever half-truths from a PC, or perhaps even a
Deception check opposed by the Imperial officer's Perception effort.
The GM should, as always, assign bonuses or penalties to these checks
based on good and bad roleplaying.
Mixing and
mingling with these beings can take as much or as little time as the
players and GM want. Once they're ready, one of the staff members
escorts the PCs to their private cabin.
While they have a
little downtime, one or more of the PCs might want to do some work on
the skiff that they'll be using in the race. This is a good chance
for mechanically-minded characters to use some of their special
First up is the
task of repairing Gaea Rus's waveskimmer. It has suffered the effects
of an Engine Damaged critical hit, reducing its speed by 1. A hard
Mechanics check is required to restore the engines to maximum
At the same time,
characters such as Riggers might want to use talents like Bolstered
Armor or Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters to improve the performance of
their 'skimmer. At the GM's discretion, the PCs could make other
modifications to the vehicle, such as adding a weapon emplacement to
A Little Romance?
potentially interesting development is the possibility that Gaea Rus
becomes romantically involved with one of the PCs. This is likely to
be one with a higher Presence score, or a character who took a
particular risk in order to help her.
Episode 3: The Race
As the race
approaches, pilots and their crews should board their waveskimmers
and then head for the starting line (1). Toruck Chel is present, too,
and looses a number of camera droids to monitor the race. They
broadcast back to Nadira's Cantina, as well as “to those who are
watching around the galaxy.” Once everyone is in position, Toruck
produces an old-fashioned slugthrower pistol and uses it to
accentuate the “On your marks, get set, go!”
Keeping Score
To conduct the race, use the
following guidelines. Every time the racers make skill checks, the
one with the highest result scores 4 points; next highest scores
3, and so on down the line. This creates a running tally, affected
by every check, that reflects the overall positions of the
competitors, and the one with the highest total after the last
check is the winner. Every triumph scores 2 bonus points, too.
Order / Points
First / 4
Second / 3
Third / 2
Fourth / 1
Fifth / 0
The Course
Refer to the map
of the islands for a layout of the course.
1. Fast Start
To begin the race,
all competitors should make Cool checks for initiative, representing
how quickly they can jump off the line.
2. Open Stretch
This part of the
course requires pure speed, so characters who've made upgrades to
that quality for their vehicle should receive bonuses to their
Piloting (Planetary) checks. Here the lead vehicle should roll first,
and can use Advantage generated by the check to add setback dice to
other racers' checks.
3. Sharp Turn
Rounding this
island requires average Piloting (Planetary) checks, this time with
bonuses for those who've increased their waveskimmers' handling. In
addition to determining the scoring for this part of the course,
failure on these checks requires pilots to make a second check in
order to remain in control of the vehicle. Failing that second check
means the pilot temporarily loses control and the vehicle suffers a
minor collision with the rocks (see page 256 of the core rulebook for
After the sharp
turn is another run through the open stretch, with another round of
speed-based checks.
4. Wide Turn
Coming around the
back of the island, the camera droids have a hard time keeping track
of the racers amid the crashing waves and spray. Due to the
turbulence, competitors should make hard checks, with failure
requiring a second such check to avoid losing control (see above).
This is perhaps the first opportunity for competitors to engage in
any shenanigans, as detailed below.
After the wide
turn, the course leads through a third open stretch, a second sharp
turn, and then the fourth and final open stretch before reaching the
finish line.
Meanwhile, back at Tierfon Fighter Base...
This scene could provide a good
chance for the GM to use a humorous cut-away scene. Back at
Tierfon Fighter Base, an enterprising technician has managed to
patch a live feed of the race into the base's command center
holoprojector. While some of the off-duty Rebels are watching, one
of them leans in for a closer look at the competitors. “Wait a
minute,” she asks. “Isn't that __________?”
Needless to say, once they return
to base, the PCs are going to have some explaining to do. This
scene can develop with cheering and/or booing, depending on the
developments in the race.
Nobody really
expected this to be a fair and honest race, did they? In the event
that the PCs are proving to be more of a challenge than what they
expected, some of the competitors are willing to cheat. Presented
below are a few of the possible strategies that they can employ.
surreptitiously loosens the cover on his engine compartment
(Perception opposed to Skulduggery to notice the action) and a
moment later it flies off into the path of the next 'skimmer.
Dodging it requires a Pilot—Planetary check, with failure causing
a collision that inflicts a major collision, as detailed on page 256
of the core rulebook.
character produces a small globe containing some kind of liquid. It
is, in fact, oil secreted by female keelkanas, and is a powerful
attractant for the males. The offending character must succeed at a
Ranged (light) attack to hit with the globe. An average Survival
check can identify the liquid, and a hard check of some kind is
required to remove it. Options here include dipping that part of the
waveskimmer into the water to wash it off, removing the part of the
vehicle that's been befouled, or whatever else the PCs can think to
Keelkana Attack!
This event can
happen for a number of reasons. One is if a competitor hits an
opponent with the globe of keelkana oil; another is if a competitor
lose control of a vehicle and crashes. Whatever the case, a keelkana
lances up out of the water to attack the beings on the vessel in
question. This requires going into initiative, using the stats
provided above.
This situation
could also present an interesting moral dilemma for the PCs, as well
as a chance to make the Empire look bad. After all, Lieutenant Debah
does not even hesitate if a competitor is in trouble, but the PCs
could demonstrate their altruism by stopping to aid a rival. Given
that this event is being broadcast throughout the Outer Rim
territories, that's some good publicity for the Rebel
Alliance—especially if someone is so bold as to fly a banner with
the Alliance starbird on it.
The winner is, of
course, the pilot with the highest point total after finishing the
course. Toruck Chel, Nadira and the assembled visitors are waiting to
congratulate the winner, and to present him/her/it with the
10,000-credit purse. Gaea Rus insists that the PCs keep all of it,
since all of this is just a hobby for her. What is more, she could
become a useful ally for the PCs, since she is an influential
noblewoman and has been impressed by their character.
As long as the
mission is a success, the PCs have won a considerable prize for
Rewards for Risks
At the GM's
discretion, the PCs should earn 10 experience points for a complete
success, or 5 xp for a good effort; players who stick to their
characters' motivations should earn another 5 xp. At the same time,
they should each increase their Duty rating by 5.
Appendix 1: Opening
Presented below is
an opening crawl in the style of the Star Wars
movies for use with this scenario.
It is a time of civil war.
As part of the ongoing war effort,
Rebel agents
are delivering a valuable cargo of
supplies to
Mon Calamari technicians on Dac.
Little do they
know that they're about to stumble
into a cutthroat
competition, a chance to win
fortune and glory
—if they can survive it.
Appendix 2: The
Presented here are stats for the
various competitors in the waveskimmer race. They are formatted so
that they can be cut out and given to players who don't control the
party's pilot to keep them more involved in the race.
1 Cunning 2 Presence 2
2 Intellect 3 Willpower 2
Threshold: 11
Threshold: 13
0 / 0
2, Computers 1, Core Worlds 1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 1, Outer Rim
2, Perception
Piloting--Planetary 2, Piloting--Space 3, Ranged--Light 1,
Vigilance 1
Throttle, Skilled Jockey
One free rank in Perception; Amphibious
clothing, blaster pistol, comlink
is a highly skilled pilot, and she enjoys the challenges that are
presented by her work for
Zate. Even so, she longs to do something more important. Having
heard stories about the
of her homeworld by the Empire, and how such brave individuals as
Captain Ackbar are
for freedom, she dreams of having a chance one day to make that
kind of difference. She questions her own skills, however, and
wonders if she would be able to do what must be done if such
circumstances befell her.
Genu, Xexto Hotshot (Rival)
1 Cunning 2 Presence 2
4 Intellect 2 Willpower 1
Threshold: 10
Threshold: 10
Defense: 0
/ 0
2, Computers 1, Cool 2, Gunnery 3, Mechanics 1, Piloting—Planetary
2, Piloting—
3, Ranged—Light 2, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 2
Corellian Sendoff, Dedication, Grit, Koiogran Turn, Shortcut,
Showboat, Skilled
free rank in the Confidence talent; Additional Limbs (one free
maneuver per turn)
blaster pistol, long-range comlink, A/KT Wing Commander armored
is a brash, boastful pilot; the only thing he enjoys more than
piloting his ship in dangerous
is telling others about it later. Even so, he is friendly with
other pilots and loyal to those who earn his respect. He has no
love for beings who lie or cheat others (but taking a little
license in storytelling is another matter entirely).
Wral (Rival)
3 Cunning 3 Presence 2
3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Threshold: 12
Threshold: 12
Defense: 0
/ 0
1, Brawl 2, Coercion 1, Cool 1, Gunnery 1, Mechanics 1, Medicine
1, Melee 2,
1, Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary 2, Ranged—Heavy 2,
Ranged—Light 2, Resilience 1,
1, Survival 3, Vigilance 2
Tracker, Hunter, Outdoorsman, Swift, Tracker
Vision: Shistavanens remove one setbeck die imposed by concealment
that is caused
darkness; Uncanny Tracker: Shistavanens always treat Survival as
being a career skill
armor, blaster carbines, force pikes, comlink
Sen Wral is
an unpleasant being, a Shistavanen bandit who has decided to wager
some ill-gotten cash on this race. He does not hesitate to cheat
if he thinks he can do so without being caught.
Ru (Rival)
2 Cunning 2 Presence 2
3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Threshold: 12
Threshold: 13
Defense: 0
/ 0
1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Computers 1, Cool 2, Coordination 2, Core
Worlds 1,
2, Lore 1, Mechanics 2, Medicine 1, Melee 1, Outer Rim 1,
Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary
Piloting—Space 3, Ranged—Heavy 1, Ranged—Light 2, Resilience
1, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 1,
1, Vigilance 1
Throttle, Grit, Improved Full Throttle, Rapid Reaction, Skilled
free rank in each of two skills
blaster pistol, comlink, datapad
as “Golly” to those who are close to her—and there aren't
many who can make such a claim—Golthani Ru is a skilled pilot,
as befits a native Corellian. While she longs for more adventure
in her life, she is happy for now to be working as Ma'char'ba's
personal pilot. When she has a chance to do so, she likes to test
her abilities by weaving in and out of asteroids and performing
other such stunts. One day she hopes to have her own ship,
something small, fast and sleek. Until then, she tolerates her
unusual boss and coworkers. Golly is a good-looking young woman
with black hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion.