Here's a short scenario that takes the heroes to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.
Wars: Age of Rebellion: Overgrown
For almost twenty years now the
Wookiees of Kashyyyk have suffered under the iron grip of the New
Order, having been subjugated by the Imperials and even sold into
slavery by the Trandoshans. Even so, they continually struggle to
resist such domination in whatever ways they can, such as by helping
their fellows escape to safety on Kashyyyk or even offplanet. Indeed,
some escapees have even gone on to serve in the Rebel Alliance. That
is why High Command wants to send a shipment of vital
supplies—medical equipment, foodstuffs, weapons and other gear—to
support them.
This mission begins with the PCs
delivering their cargo to a Wookiee safehouse on the planet Kashyyyk.
Once there they learn that a patrol has been captured by Trandoshan
slavers, who can still be found down in the lower levels of the
forest. If they are willing to help some more, then the PCs can set
out riding sureggi to find the ones who are lost. Recognizing an
opportunity to learn where the other slaves have been taken, the
Wookiees ask the PCs to plant a tracker on the Trandoshans and force
them to flee, thereby gaining valuable information.
and Preparation
This adventure begins as the PCs
are making their approach to Kashyyyk aboard their freighter. Even
so, since they've been briefed about making a cargo run to that
world, they should have a chance to purchase or requisition any
equipment—such as climbing gear, forest camouflage and the
like—that the players deem necessary and the GM allows.
the Player Characters
Once they are suitably outfitted
for this mission, the action can commence with the PCs plotting a
short hyperspace jump from the edge of the Kashyyyk System into the
planet's orbit.
Objectives and PC Duty
Detailed below are some of the
ways in which this mission can tie into different characters'
Combat Victory: There's a good
chance here to fight enemies of the Wookiees, if not necessarily the
Empire itself.
Counter-Intelligence: With the
Imperial presence here, it's vital that this mission be kept secret.
Intelligence: Learning where the
enslaved Wookiees are taken is an important discovery.
Internal Security: Keeping this
mission secret also means keeping a close eye on all involved.
Personnel: This mission provides
plenty of opportunities to make sure that the agents involved stay
safe from harm.
Political Support: Although the
faction of Wookiees who can be won to the Alliance cause may be
small in number, they are huge in stature and ability.
Recruiting: Any Wookiees who can
be recruited are a tremendous asset.
Resource Acquisition: While they
can't provide much in the way or manufactured goods, the Wookiees
are a good source for raw materials.
Sabotage: This is an excellent
chance to sabotage the slavers' operations, if not the Empire.
Space Superiority: Although
opportunities for piloting are not so likely on this mission, riding
should be more important.
Support: Teamwork should be
crucial to the success of this mission.
Tech Procurement: The Wookiees
possess some unique technology—especially weapon—that could be
valuable to the Rebel Alliance.
1: Special Delivery
The action begins with the PCs
aboard their vessel on the edge of the Kashyyyk System, ready to make
a short hyperspace jump closer to the planet. To that end, they can
perform a few different operations.
The sensor operator can start by
making an easy Computers check; success reveals the presence of a
Victory-class Star Destroyer in orbit of the planet.
Whoever is at the comm station
can make an average Computers check to monitor comm traffic, which
is currently of a mundane nature.
Next, the pilot should make an
average Astrogation check to plot the jump; success means that the
PCs reach the edge of Kashyyyk's atmosphere without attracting
Imperial attention, while failure means that those aboard the Star
Destroyer notice them and scramble fighters.
If spotted, the situation
develops into a chase; the best option for the PCs is to head for
the trees, requiring Piloting—Space checks opposed by those of the
TIE Fighter pilots. Each time the Imperials are more successful,
they narrow the range one band, from starting at Long; success for
the PCs means that they increase the range one band, and can escape
if it goes past Extreme.
The TIE pilots open fire as long
as they manage to close within short range, turning the situation
into a more typical dogfight.
They do not pursue a vessel
below the tops of the trees, but do begin patrols that could present
a challenge to the PCs later (see below for details).

Once they enter the trees, the
PCs receive a narrow-band broadcast with coordinates for where they
should land; it is one of the many wroshyr trees on the planet, as
depicted in the map above. There is a broad landing platform on one
of the flatter limbs, requiring an average Piloting—Space check to
land safely. Once they're down, a group of Wookiees meet the PCs,
help unload their cargo, and move it to the nearby safehouse.
A typical Wookiee dwelling is
surrounded by a covered walkway, allowing the inhabitants to enter or
exit from various directions (A). There is often a common room (B),
where members of the family or friends can relax and enjoy each
other's company. In the center of the structure a spiral staircase
(C) provides access to the upper level. A utility room (D) could
feature storage space, work tables and the home's refresher units.
Meals are taken in the dining room (E), and prepared in the kitchen
(F), which boasts dry and cold storage areas. Bedrooms are located on
the upper level (G).
The Wookiees give the PCs a
hearty greeting, insisting that they come in for a meal including
barbecued trakrrnnn ribs, forest honey cakes, and a salad of local
greens, with thikkiian brandy as an apertif. They thank the PCs for
their help, and ask to hear tales of their actions against the
Empire. This can be a good chance for some roleplaying, or kept
short, depending on the desires of the players and the needs of the
they had enough time to interact, they are interrupted by the arrival
of Harutecrall, a Wookiee scout who was just out on an expedition. He
is injured by blasterfire and nearly exhausted, but able to relate
the following information.
and five other Wookiees were out scouting on sureggi mounts when a
team of Trandoshan slavers attacked.
managed to escape, although his sureggi died. The others were
slavers were traveling in an Ubrikkian cargo skiff and were well
believes they have a starship located somewhere in the vicinity, and
that they are probably operating with permission from the Imperials.
Armed with this information, the
Wookiees prepare to set out; they ask the PCs to join them on the
recovery mission.
4 Cunning 2 Presence 2 Agility 2 Intellect 2 Willpower 1
Soak: 4 Wound
Threshold: 17 Strain Threshold: 9 M/R
Defense: 0 / 0
Skills: Athletics
1, Brawl 2, Melee 2, Resilience 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 2
Talents: Feral
Strength, Heroic Fortitude, Knockdown, Toughened
Free rank in Brawl; Wookiee Rage
Equipment: Brass
was one a slave and pit fighter under the sway of Madon Ani, a Chevin
slaver. He was able to attain freedom, however, due to intervention
by a band of heroes. Now he tries to return the favor by helping
subjugated Wookiees on his homeworld make their way toward freedom,
2: Going Out on a Limb
Once they set out from the
safehouse, the PCs can experience any or all of the following
encounters, depending on the desires of the players and the needs of
the campaign.
Each of the PCs should make
Survival checks to ride the sureggi. While failure doesn't cause any
real problems, a Despair result means that one runs wild, while
success reflects skillful riding and can impress the Wookiees.
A blastail attacks, hitting an
unsuspecting traveler with its tail bulb; this provokes the need for
another riding check, as detailed above.
A young katarn is caught in a
wyyyschokk's web, and its mother is lurking nearby. The PCs can ride
on past if they wish, but should they want to help, then they need
to cut the poor creature free—something that takes
Finally, the PCs should make
Perception checks to notice the slavers as they draw close. Success
means that someone recognizes the sound of the cargo skiff, while
failure means that they stumble into the encounter unprepared.
Refer to the appendix, below, to
find stats for the blastail, katarn, sureggi and wyyyschokk, and use
the map below for a layout of the terrain for each of the encounters.
3: Bad Business
Once the PCs are ready to
approach the Trandoshans, Harutecrall make a suggestion. If they can
plant a homing beacon on the hunters—for example, on their cargo
skiff—then the PCs can track them back to wherever they've taken
their slaves. For that reason, he suggests that they should try to
defeat these enemies, but allow them to escape. To do so, the PCs
need to accomplish the following tasks.
Somebody needs to jury-rig a
tracking device, which requires a hard Mechanics check, with bonuses
or penalties applied depending on the gear that the PCs have
Once that has been done, someone
else needs to plant it aboard the Trandoshans' cargo skiff, which
requires moving aboard (or at least close to) it and then making a
Skulduggery check, opposed by the pilot's Perception effort, to
place it.
Alternately, a character who
devises an alternate means of placing device—for example, using a
grapple launcher to project it onto the skiff—could do so, with
the relevant skill checks left up to the GM's adjudication.
Refer to the Appendices, below,
to find stats for the Trandoshans and a deck plan for the cargo
skiff. Should it become important to know, they have a battered
YT-1300 transport, the Dominant, nearby.
Imperial Presence?
mentioned above, there could also still be the matter of the Imperial
forces in orbit around Kashyyyk, especially if the PCs were spotted
while making their approach to the planet. Should that be the case,
then there are TIE fighters patrolling inside the atmosphere above
the treeline, and a Victory-class Star Destroyer ready to provide
Fighters: Refer to page 270 of
the core rulebook for stats.
Pilots: Refer to page 423.
Star Destroyer: Refer to pages
Gunnery Corps: Refer to page
As long as they manage to prepare
and plant the device, and force the Trandoshans to flee, then the PCs
have achieved considerable success. While it might not feel like a
complete victory, they have gained information that could allow the
Rebel Alliance to strike a blow against slavery in the galaxy—but
that is business for another mission.
for Risks
The PCs should earn 10 experience
points each for success, or 5 if they fought the good fight but were
unsuccessful. Additionally, those who played to their motivations
could earn an extra 5 experience points.
1: Opening Crawl
Presented below is
an opening crawl in the style of the Star Wars
movies for use with this scenario.
It is a
time of civil war.
In an
effort to support the Wookiees of Kashyyk, the Rebel Alliance
sends a
Special Operations team to deliver badly needed supplies.
They are
soon to learn, however, that the Galactic Empire
is not the
only threat that they and their allies face...
2: Skiff Deck Plan
Included here is a
deck plan for the Ubrikkian Bantha-II cargo skiff.
3: Creatures of Kashyyyk
Brawn 2 Agility
4 Intellect 1
2 Willpower 1 Presence 1
Soak: 2 Wound
Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 /
Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Coordination 2, Perception 2, Ranged—Light
2, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Tail Bulb (make a Ranged—Light attack to strike the target,
which must then make a hard Resilience check to avoid being
Staggered; if failed, the victim can attempt the check again once
per round)
Bite (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 4)
blastail is a felinoid quadruped with a bulb at the end of its
tail that connects pollen, spores and other allergens, and which
it can use as a weapon.
Brawn 4 Agility
3 Intellect 1
2 Willpower 1 Presence 2
Soak: 5 Wound
Threshold: 15
M/R Defense: 0 /
Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Perception 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Claws (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3), Bite (Brawl; Damage 3;
Critical 3).
The katarn is a
quadrupedal predator with an angular snout, a crest of horns atop
its head, a whip-like tail and large, sharp, a thick hide that
protects it from damage and prehensile claws that help it to be an
excellent climber.
Brawn 5 Agility
2 Intellect 1
1 Willpower 2 Presence 1
Soak: 7 Wound
Threshold: 17
M/R Defense: 0 /
Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Perception 2, Survival 3
Aquatic (the sureggi can breathe normally underwater as well as on
Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4).
sureggi has a long body with dozens of legs and claw-tipped feet,
make it a sure-footed mount for the Wookiees.
Brawn 4 Agility
2 Intellect 1
3 Willpower 1 Presence 3
Soak: 6 Wound
Threshold: 16
M/R Defense: 0 /
Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Coordination 3, Perception 2, Stealth 1,
Survival 3
Web-weaving (create a web between two solid objects; victims must
make hard Perception checks to notice it, and hard Coordination
checks to avoid becoming ensnared, and hard Athletics checks to
break free).
Bite (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 4).
red and black arachnoid is a feared predator in the forests of
Appendix 4: The
Presented here are stats for the
Trandoshan hunters operating on Kashyyyk.
Trandoshan Pilot (Rival)
3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
2 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Soak: 3
Threshold: 15
Threshold: 11
Defense: 0 / 0
Skills: Astrogation
1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 1, Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary 1,
Piloting—Space 2, Ranged—Light 1, Streetwise 1, Underworld 1,
Vigilance 1
Talents: Dead
to Rights, Full Throttle, Skilled Jockey
Abilities: One
free rank in Perception; Regeneration; Claws (see the EotE core
rulebook for details)
Equipment: Flightsuit,
blaster pistol
Trandoshan Sharpshooter (Rival)
3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
2 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Soak: 5
Threshold: 15
Threshold: 11
Defense: 0 / 0
Skills: Athletics
1, Cool 1, Gunnery 2, Leadership, Lore, Mechanics 1, Melee 1,
Perception 2, Ranged—Heavy 2, Ranged—Light 2, Vigilance 2
Talents: Point
Blank, Side Step
Abilities: One
free rank in Perception; Regeneration; Claws (see the EotE core
rulebook for details)
Equipment: Flightsuit,
blaster pistol, blaster rifle, padded armor
Trandoshan Stalker (Rival)
3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
2 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Soak: 4
Threshold: 15
Threshold: 11
Defense: 0 / 0
Skills: Athletics
1, Melee 1, Perception 2, Ranged—Heavy 2, Ranged—Light 2,
Resilience 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 1
Talents: Expert
Tracker, Hunter, Outdoorsman, Stalker
Abilities: One
free rank in Perception; Regeneration; Claws (see the EotE core
rulebook for details)
Equipment: Heavy
clothing, blaster pistol, blaster rifle, crash survival kit
Trandoshan Brawler (Rival)
3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
1 Intellect 2 Willpower 2
Soak: 4
Threshold: 15
Threshold: 11
Defense: 0 / 0
Skills: Athletics
2, Brawl 2, Cool 2, Melee 2, Perception 2, Stealth 1, Vigilance 2
Talents: Jump
Up, Lethal Blows, Quick Strike
Abilities: One
free rank in Perception; Regeneration; Claws (see the EotE core
rulebook for details)
Equipment: Heavy
clothing, vibroblade, blaster pistol, comlink