Friday, August 14, 2020

First Foray into Solo Play Open Alpha

 My sons and I played a cooperative game against the X-Wing Solo Play rules developed by FFG. Here is a link to the Open Alpha version of the rules.


Tierfon Black Squadron sent three X-wings on a mission to harass a TIE squadron based on Geedon II. Rebel units on the ground required a distraction, and nothing gets the Imps attention like attacking X-wings!

Chosen for the mission were Flying Officers Athin Finn (human male, played by Nels), Satry Rudemo (human male, played by me), and Mowha Lokar (Duros male, played by Archer). 

The three heroes entered from the far side of the map, facing off against three TIEs, initially. In later turns, more TIEs and a pair of TIE Interceptors arrived to join the fray.

When all was said and done, the pilots from Black Squadron provided the distraction the Rebels needed, and then some. FO Finn shot down 2 TIE fighters and 1 TIE interceptor. FO Rudemo accounted for 2 more TIE fighter kills. FO Lokar killed a TIE interceptor, but was himself shot down by a different TIE interceptor.

Flying starfighters is a complicated profession, is it not?

Taking out six enemy fighters is a good thing; but losing a precious T-65B X-wing in the process stings. We assumed FO Lokar ejected into space and was retrieved by the clean up crew aboard the YT-1300. He suffered the usual bumps and bruises associated with such a rough outing, but will be returned to duty after some down time.


  1. The X-wings were flown as "Blue Squadron Escorts". The TIE fighters were all "Academy Pilots", the TIE interceptors we encountered we both "Alpha Squadron Pilots", there was an outside chance of having a "Saber Squadron Ace" show up (they did not).

  2. All three X-wings had Proton Torpedoes and R2 unit astromechs aboard.
