Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Legends of Luke Skywalker

Just finished reading this one, The Legends of Luke Skywalker (Ken Liu, 2017), part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi event.

The premise is interesting: basically extrapolating from Rey's quote in The Force Awakens

"Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth."

This book is a series of short stories connected by some interludes; inter- (or intra*?)-story pieces wherein the beings sharing the "legends of Luke" discuss what they've heard, seen, believe, etc. I like the concept somewhat. I was hoping to spend time solely with my good buddy Luke. In particular, I was really hoping to learn something concrete about events after RotJ. Luke and I have a lot of catching up to do! Sadly, it was not to be; at least not in the way I'd hoped.

Some of the stories included herein are quite good. All have the theme of Luke traveling the galaxy (all post RotJ, I think) learning about disparate Force traditions. Other included stories are annoying. It seems rampant comedy is now a part of the canon. Not used as a spice, but as the main course. I am too serious of a SW fan (yes, that does sound sad) for me to enjoy that sort of thing. Perhaps least so when it comes to my old buddy Luke. (This is the same author who brought us the comedy piece "The Sith of Datawork" in the From a Certain Point of View collection...).

Canto Bight plays a peripheral role in the interlude tale. Eager to see that place on the silver screen. Not too far away, now.

By the end of the book I was happier with the overall experience than I suspected I'd be (based on one or two of the legends included).

*all of the stories are somewhat connected, making the overall feel like a bit of one long legend. So "intra" might be warranted.