Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dawn of Rebellion (P)review

I know it's a bit late, but here's a preview of what people can expect from Dawn of Rebellion.

Page 1: Crawl

Page 2: Credits

Page 3: Table of Contents

Page 4: Foreword by Dave Filoni

Pages 5-9: Welcome to the Rebellion!/The State of the Galaxy/Life Under the Galactic Empire
This section provides an overview of the the Star Wars galaxy in this time period, which spans the years leading up to A New Hope—inlcuding events covered in the Rebels TV series and the film Rogue One.

Pages 10-49: Chapter 1—Worlds in Revolt
Presented in this chapter are overviews of numerous planets, including Alderaan, Atollon, Dathomir, the Death Star, Scarif, Jedha, Lothal, and five smaller ones. This seems like good material, including stats for creatures and modular encounters. Most interestingly, it also provides stats for characters from the TV series and films, including Princess Leia Organa, Saw Gerrera and even (former) Darth Maul.

Pages 50-89: Chapter 2—Organizations
This section describes numerous groups, including the Empire, the early Rebellion, Phoenix Cell, the Spectres, the Broken Horn Syndicate, the Free Ryloth Movement, the Protectors of Concord Dawn, and numerous “independent operators.” Here again there are stats, including Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader and Lando Calrissian.

Pages 90-129: Chapter 3—Player Options
Presented in this chapter are four new alien species (the Drabatan, Gigoran, Iakaru and Tognath); six new universal specializations (Force adherent, Imperial Academy cadet, Padawan survivor, pirate, retired clone trooper and ship captain); six pages of new talents; new weapons including the lightbow and some heavy Gunnery weapons; four new droids, especially the KX enforcer and MSE units; and many different vehicles from Rebels and Rogue One.

Pages 130-143: Chapter 4—Game Master Support
This section provides guidelines for GMs, including treating campaigns like TV seasons, how to develop antagonists, and how to use Rebel cells in campaigns.

Page 144: Ad

All in all, this seems like a highly useful book. There's a lot of crunchy content for use in an Age of Rebellion campaign, of course, but also good material for Edge of the Empire games that involve up-and-coming Rebels. As always, the art is beautiful and the production values are top-notch. The decision to include stat blocks for major characters is an interesting one, and of course means that somebody's campaign will see the PCs kill Darth Vader.


  1. Is this one a joint "Rebels" and "Rogue One" affair?

  2. Kill Vader! Kill Vader! Kill Vader!

    It's in the book, GM. You have to allow it

  3. Sadly, they don't have an AgriCorps specialization for you to use.
