Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Force Collector

Just finished another Young Adult book, Force Collector (Kevin Shinick, 2019). While set in the Sequel trilogy era, this one is out in the middle of nowhere, so it doesn't run afoul of too much of the stuff with which I disagree. 

This is a sort of coming of age buddy story about a pair of teenagers and a droid. They have reason to travel to all sorts of Star Wars locations as seen in the movies. They visit Jakku before Rey steals the Falcon, they find themselves on Takodana before Maz Kanata's castle is destroyed, they even have a chance to visit the new Disney theme park and meet Dok-Ondar. A kind of fun romp along to familiar locales, even if the motivations for the galaxy-spanning trip don't quite make sense.

Part of the "Journey to Rise of Skywalker" series. I have no idea how this helps to set up the movie...perhaps more will become clear after we see the film tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued by an article from about how this novel needed to be revised because certain plot points were too similar to The Rise of Skywalker.

