Monday, November 20, 2023

Chapter 7: The Reckoning (The Mandalorian, S1, E7)


The Mandalorian Chapter 7: The Reckoning (directed by Deborah Chow, written by Jon Favreau, original air date December 18, 2019) sees us reunited with some old friends: Carasynthia Dune, IG-11, the blurgs, and Kulil (which I just realized, as he pronounced his own name, sounds like "Quille" or "KWHEEL", not "Koo Lil" or "Coo Lille"). Seems Mando has been invited by our other frienemy, Greef Karga, back to Navarro to try and put an end to this nasty Imps hunting you business. Thus our favorite Mandalorian needs some muscle and the team is back (?) together. I have spoken.

The Mandalorian: I have a ship. I can bring you there and back with a handsome reward. You can live free of worry.

Cara Dune: I'm already free of worry, and I'm not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting some local warlord.

The Mandalorian: He's not a local warlord. He's Imperial.

Cara Dune: I'm in.

Greef brought some local muscle from the Navarro chapter of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Mando and Cara were wise to distrust them.

Greef Karga: [the Child tries to Force heal his wound] He's trying to eat me.

Greef, don't worry-- you're too big for him to eat. Now if you were an egg, a cookie, an amphibian, or a bowl of stew (questionable or not), that would be a different story. At any rate, the Child wins ol' Greef back over to our side before the big showdown with the Client. A version of the old classic "We'll pretend you are my prisoner and I'm turning you in" gag goes, predictably, south when the Imperial Entanglements become entangled with more (different) Imperials. Greef is one of my favorite characters from this series; I love the subtle humor he brings to the scenes he's in and especially love his interplay with Mando. Chef's kiss!

By the end of this episode we have met the real power behind the 'must get baby Yoda's blood' movement: Moff Gideon. I like it. I particularly like how his stormtroopers have clean armor (and he has a cadre of Death Troopers...nice). The heroes are beset by dozens of bad guys; stuck in a ruined bar and set up nicely for the season 1 finale.

Along the way we lose our favorite Ugnaught. That is a tough thing to bear. I have spoken.

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