Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Crimson Climb

 Crimson Climb (E.K. Johnston, 2023). Oh, yes. Just as I suspected. A wonderful read. I am a big Qi'ra fan from way back and was not disappointed by this wonderful story. It fills in the gap between times Han sees her in the movie Solo. The quotes I couldn't resist sprinkling in are from that movie.

Han Solo: How did you get out?

Qi'Ra: I didn't.

A heartbreaking tale of a scrumrat turned slave, turned servant, turned organized crime operative, this story follows Qi'ra's journey upwards from the sewers of Corellia to the rarified air atop the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate; it's her "Crimson Climb", if you will, up the dangerous and illicit corporate ladder. 

A lot has transpired since she last saw Han in the spaceport. 

Qi'Ra: You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.

Qi'ra has become a well-trained and deadly asset to Dryden Vos, the ruthless (public facing) leader of Crimson Dawn. She still has the dice Han gave her, and smiles wistfully when she thinks of him.

L3-37: So what are you gonna do about your little problem?

Qi'Ra: Problem? I, er... uh...

L3-37: Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you.

Qi'Ra: Han is not in love with me!

L3-37: Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation.

Qi'Ra: You are?

L3-37: I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him.

Qi'Ra: Right.

[pause, decides to humor her]

Qi'Ra: Yes, Yeah. Yeah, I see that.

L3-37: Sometimes, I think... maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible.

Qi'Ra: [pause] How would that work?

L3-37: It works.

Suffice it to say, I like this book very much. Great Star Wars read. 

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